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"There is a new website called to help you make the most of your unwanted gift cards so you can swap, sell -- and ultimately, save."

"Consumers are embracing the idea of cashing or swapping in their gift cards."

"One of the features I like along with the aesthetically pleasing and easy to use site is the ability to create a Wish List of favourite retailers."

"At, you’ll find gift cards for everything from office suppliers to travel packages."

"Rather than let the cash go to waste has an innovative online solution."

"Simply go to, register and post the card you want to sell. Then sit back and wait. The website will notify you by email when the card is sold."

"If you have a gift card, using it now is a great way to take advantage of post holiday sales. But, if you are done with shopping you can use these cards to pay holiday bills."

"This type of e-commerce site has been proven by several successful sites in the US."

"When you receive that gift card you won't use this holiday season for the store you would never shop in, don't just shove it into a drawer , has come up with a way to monetize that present"

"I compile a list of websites that represent the best of what the online world has to offer on money-related subjects. Using, it’s possible to convert your unwanted gift cards to cash."

"Gift cards are the second most sought after Christmas gift."

"Cards posted on the site are verified and they have zero losses to date. CardSwap gives users three weeks to report a problem with their purchases before passing along the purchase money to the seller."

"It's no wonder in an economy dealing with hard times that we'd be drawn to an easy to use site."

"Easy way to turn unwanted gift cards into cash."

"In the today's economic climate, consumers are looking for ways to stick to a budget without sacrificing lifestyle."

"We got a whole bunch of Babies-R-Us and Toys-R-Us gift cards," he said.
Sounds useful, except the Meghs have everything they need.
"But I could use cash," he said.

"The concept makes a lot of sense for consumers."

"Registration is a breeze and navigation and usability is easy."

"Plenty of bargains for shoppers, while people who would never have used the card get money in their pockets."

"CardSwap is an exclusively Canadian service that helps savvy consumers save money... and provides a secure environment to exchange unwanted gift cards into cash."